Wednesday, September 17

Let's Sharpen the Language of Our Hearts!

Let's Sharpen the Language of Our Hearts!

The heart speaks through feeling and emotions,
The mind speaks through thinking and thoughts,
The desires (nafs) speak through numerous yearnings and aspirations,
The eyes speaks through shapes and colours,
The tongue speaks through words and conversation,
The body speaks through touch and contact,
Let us speak through our hearts and be cultured,
Let us refine our hearts and souls,
Let our hearts and souls be the language experts,
That is the way it should be, for the heart is the ruler within us,
The ruler has the final say,
The ruler has the lawful authority,
The rest of the body should be obedient subjects,
To become subjects serving the king,
To become loyal soldiers,
If human beings are capable of accomplishing all this,
Life's journey would be beautiful and meaningful,
Everything is for God,
Befitting God's reason as to why mankind exists,
To give ourselves to Allah and be His Caliph.

Shaikhul Islam Abuya Ashaari Bin Muhammad Attamimi AlHashimi
Pictured above: Pir Vilyat Khan, in meditation. Ajmer, India, Circa 1979.

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