Friday, October 24

The Prophet of Islam and Tassawuf

The Sufis have always believed that the reality that constitutes Sufism issued from the inner meaning of the Qurān and the inner nature of the Prophet. 

According to Sufism, Muhammad is at the origin of the silsilah, or the chain of spiritual descent of every Sufi order, and Sufis believe that he was both the perfect prophet and the perfect saint (walī). Upon his death, the prophetic function came to an end, but the saintly power (walāyah/wilāyah) continued and was transmitted through Alī bin Abi talib A.S and others to later generations so that the journey along the spiritual path could be made. Sufis, as well as Shʿites, believe that there is a prophetic light called the Muhammadan Light (al-nūr al-muḥammadī), which, originating from the Prophet, will continue to shine through the later saints and, for the Shīites, the imams until the end of the world. Sufis also identify the inner reality of the Prophet, or the Muhammadan Reality (al-ḥaqīqat al-muḥammadiyyah), with God’s first creation, which became finally manifested on earth in his last prophet, who once said, “I was a prophet when Adam was between water and clay.” The love of the Prophet plays an especially central role in Sufism, and litanies consisting of his names and qualities form an integral part of Sufi practice. 

Indeed, the Muhammadan grace (al-barakāt al-muḥammadiyyah) is said to be nowhere stronger than in the spiritual practices of the Sufis when they celebrate the divine names and seek to remember God with the help of the Prophet. Sufis take great pride in calling themselves “the poor” (al-fuqarā) because Muhammad said, “Poverty is my pride.” The Miʿrāj, or Nocturnal Ascent, of the Prophet is the prototype of all spiritual wayfaring in Islam, and no group in Islamic society has been as conscientious as the Sufis in emulating the Prophet as the perfect saint and what later Sufis were to call the Perfect or Universal Man (al-insān al-kāmil).

Sufism trains the individual on the lines of the life of Prophet Muhammad, on the principles of Hazrat Ali and the patience of Hazrat Hussain son of Hazrat Ali A.S and the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad Sallalla hu alaiyhe wassalam

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